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Jake Tapper: Chorus of officials condemn racism
GOP senator condemns white nationalists (full interview)
Tapper spars with Trump adviser over Charlottesville response
Charlottesville mayor's full CNN interview
Rep. Mike Quigley Talks with CNN's Jake Tapper About A Meeting with Ukrainian MPs
Adviser defends Trump's response to white nationalist rally (full interview)
Ron Johnson on CNNs The Lead with Jake Tapper
Senator Cramer Joins Jake Tapper on CNN's State of the Union
Congressman Deutch on The Lead with Jake Tapper 12.8.21
Charlottesville police chief defends response to white nationalist rally violence (entire remarks)
CNN's Jake Tapper LIVID W.H. is Decrying 'Both Sides' in Charlottesville
Why Trump's past comments may have encouraged racists